What Shoals YP Stands For

If you’re wondering what Shoals Young Professionals is all about, look no further. Here are the four pillars upon which our organization is built.

As Shoals Young Professionals, we are dedicated to:

I. Finding and fostering the next generation of leaders.

We aim to connect young professionals ages 20-40 who are living in the Shoals area to the people and places who can help them advance to the next steps of their career. We also just really love getting together and making new friends!

II. Hosting creative networking opportunities.

From professional development events to happy hours and more, Shoals Young Professionals is commited to bringing together like-minded individuals who can learn from and share resources with one another. Having a good time while doing so is also important!

III. Working with local businesses to share their story to the community. as well as those outside the Shoals.

Creating and spreading a cohesive, positive message about the four cities of the Shoals — Florence, Muscle Shoals, Sheffield and Tuscumbia — is a key part of our mission. We love the area in which we live and want to share that with the world in hopes they will love it (and maybe even move here!) too.

IV. Investing in the community through important educational events such as mayoral forums.

Every young professional has a voice, and we are committed to ensuring that gets heard. We accomplish this by hosting gatherings with impact, such as our popular mayoral forum series, that educate and inform on important issues in the area.


NextGen Shoals Is Now Shoals YP!